Do you know someone who should compete in Command X: Season 4?

Entry deadline: July 15

Are there talented young designers in your office or your network who deserve the spotlight? Encourage them to compete in Command X for the chance to win the title and gain exposure that could change the course of their careers.

This live design competition takes place at “Head, Heart Hand: AIGA Design Conference,” where emerging designers compete on stage and the audience determines the winners. After the first round, each remaining contestant will be assigned to an AIGA Medalist mentor who will help guide the design process. It’s an invaluable opportunity to work with a design legend and break into the profession!


Each selected contestant will receive a complimentary registration to the conference in Minneapolis; the winner will receive:

  • $1,000 in cold, hard cash
  • The Linotype Originals Library, provided by Monotype Imaging (valued at $6,000)
  • One 12-month subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud
  • One 3-month Shutterstock subscription
  • Fame, potential job offers and much more!



Command X is open to AIGA members with a four-year college degree who are 26 years old or younger as of the application deadline: July 15.

If you know designers who are eligible, encourage them to check out the conference site for details and enter now!

Command X: Season 4 was created and is produced by Bonnie Siegler.

By aigatriadnc
Published June 27, 2013
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