Thursday, May 21, 2015
VanderVeen Photography Studio
341 S Elm Street, #A
Greensboro, NC 27401
$10 for Potential Members
$5 for Members
We know that with the right people and a solid process, design can quite literally change the world. So why, then, are designers so often portrayed as the fussy, artsy types who just want to make things pretty? It’s time to elevate design to a level equal to that of an engineer or a CEO, because real design—smart design—isn’t just some subjective pretty-making exercise. The real potential of designers lies within our ability to think big, consider whole systems, strengthen cultures, and lead teams toward crafting a better world. Times are changing, we need to embrace that change, seize the opportunity, and start designing like we give a damn.
Join us for a talk by Gage Mitchell exploring the design for good and sustainability movement, how to use the Living Principles as a framework, and ultimately, how to gain the respect you deserve by designing smarter solutions.

Gage Mitchell is President of AIGA Seattle, Editorial Director for the Living Principles, and Partner and Creative Director of Modern Species, a sustainable brand design studio striving to make the world a more functional, sustainable, beautiful place. Gage’s goal for design is to prove its value by building a smarter future—one in which people, businesses, cultures, and the environment can all thrive, intertwined, as one healthy and happy system. He’s lived and worked in Colorado, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and now Washington. When not designing, Gage is probably geeking out about business ideas, unique food, and craft beer.
RSVP for your tickets now!