Design Month 2014

We’re celebrating design the entire month of October! Mark these dates on your calendar and let us know if you would like to volunteer in any way.

October 9th:
AIGA Triad NC is excited to host Kyle Lambert and John Peele in a discussion on interactive design at the Greensboro Cultural Center. Kyle Lambert is the Design Lead at Olark, which brings hassle-free live chat to websites to track leads, drive sales, and provide top-tier support. He works in the collaborative space, Studioboro, in Greensboro. John Peele is from Good Citizen, a digital design and development stuidio. Kyle and John will be discussing how print designers can bridge the gap to interactive design, what interactive designers wish print designers were more aware of, and interactive trends and resources.

October 16th:
U360 Print Competition Design Exhibit & Reception at Black Horse Studio. Come join AIGA Triad NC celebrate print design. We are excited to view the winners of the Appleton U360 Print competition and hear from local artist and designer Andy Kurtts. Andy will share with us about the importance of including hand-made elements in your design work. To find out more about the U360 competition and how to enter next year, visit Appleton’s website and feel free to check out some of Andy’s amazing work. Thank you to Appleton for sponsoring this event!

October 23rd:
Winston-Salem Studio Tour – mark your calendars, we will be announcing the studios soon!

By aigatriadnc
Published September 11, 2014
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