Triad NC Design Month 2017


October is for Design. Mark your calendars !

October 5 / Studio Tours

You know you want a peek into the work-life of other designers, so why not kick off the month with a Studio Tour in Greensboro? Get Tickets Here


October 12 / The Making of a Mascot

Sometimes a look at other designers’ experiences can give us perspective on our own creative struggles and triumphs. Come and hear Jeff Klein give a special talk about his experience developing the new WSSU Battle Ram mascot.


October 21 / Letterpress Workshop

We like to shake things up, so for the first time this year, we’ve added a Saturday event: A Letterpress Workshop to be presented by Bryan Hutcheson at the National Letterpress Company.


October 25 / The 1st Ever AIGA Triad Fellow Award

Alas, all good things must come to an end, but that doesn’t mean we plan to go quietly: This year, for the first time in our region, the Triad chapter of AIGA will name an AIGA Fellow. The AIGA Fellow award is the highest honor an AIGA chapter can bestow upon one of its members. It recognizes a creative who has made a significant contribution to raising the standards of excellence in practice and conduct within our local design community as well as in our AIGA chapter. We are extremely excited about this event. We will announce the Fellow at a later date, but make sure you mark this not-to-be-missed event on your calendar. The naming will be held at SECCA.


By aigatriadnc
Published September 28, 2017
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